Metropolitan Area Data

The MSA Profile has population projections and economic projections for Core Based Statistical Areas (MSAs, CSAs, Micropolitan Statistical Areas, and Metropolitan Divisions) in the U.S. The MSA Profile spreadsheet files by Download contain annual historical data from 1970 (some variables begin in 1990) and annual projections to 2060 of population by age and race, employment by industry, earnings of employees by industry, GDP, personal income by source, households by income bracket and retail sales by kind of business. The MSA Profile is also available in a printed volume: the 900-page printed volume has more than 500,000 statistics for selected years for the U.S., states, regions, and MSAs only. The MSA Profile data tables, and a PDF file of the entire printed volume, are available by Download for $595.
The MSA Profile in print or on CD is still available; if you would like to order the printed book or CD please call Woods & Poole at (800)786-1915 or e-mail
For sample data, a list of variables, more details about the MSA Profile, and an order form, select the “Additional Product Information” tab above.