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Data for All U.S. Counties and CBSAs

Data for All U.S. Counties and CBSAs

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MSA ProfileTM

The MSA ProfileTM has annual data, 1970 to 2060, for the U.S. total and all Core Based Statistical Areas (MSAs, CSAs, and Micropolitan Statistical Areas), states and regions in the U.S.


The Complete Economic and Demographic Data Source (CEDDS®) has annual data from 1970 to 2060 for the U.S. total and all counties, CBSAs, states and regions in the U.S.

Complete U.S. Database®

The Complete U.S. Database® contains annual data to 2060 for all Woods & Poole economic data, and highly detailed population data, for all U.S. counties, CBSAs, states and regions.

Desktop Data FilesTM

Desktop Data FilesTM have US economic data for a single variable for the U.S. total and all counties, CBSAs, states and regions in the U.S. for all years in a single spreadsheet file.