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Desktop Data Files

Desktop Data Files

Complete Data for a Single Variable

Complete Data for a Single Variable

Desktop Data Files have data for a single variable, e.g. total population, for the U.S., counties and Core Based Statistical Areas (MSAs, CSAs, Micropolitan Statistical Areas, and Metropolitan Divisions), states, and regions for all years in a single spreadsheet file. Desktop Data Files contain annual data from 1970 (some variables begin in 1990) to 2060 for all Woods & Poole database geographies down to the county level, for any economic or demographic variable in the Woods & Poole database. The data are in a single spreadsheet file by download. $395 for the first Desktop Data File, $197.50 for each additional Desktop Data File.

Desktop Data Files on CD are still available; if you would like to order a CD please call Woods & Poole at (800)786-1915 or e-mail

For a list of variables, more details about Desktop Data Files, and an order form, select the “Additional Product Information” tab above.

Please Select a Variable